4 Secrets of a Multiplying Church

The one constant in life is CHANGE. The recent epidemic has proven that nothing remains the same. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that all closed systems tend to maximize entropy. Yah, I know… who wants to revisit this science lesson, but hang with me a moment. Entropy is the gradual progressing into disorder. This is true of our house, child’s room, physical health and even our finances. Simply put, everything in life tends to move from order to disorder; and in order to reverse this move, an inordinate amount of focused energy has to be inserted to reverse this process.

The last 10 months, we have put an inordinate amount of “energy” attempting to minister effectively in a society what has been changing at warp-speed. From online services, to Zoom classes/groups, and even adapting our in-person gathering settings, we have crammed 10 years of change into 10 months. All this effort has left us fatigued and drained. It has also reminded us of what is most important. The astute pastor has determined that which is “mission critical” and placed energies there.

Conversations across our network and beyond have delivered four themes of ministries and churches who are multiplying, while the epidemic has led others toward entropy. Although the stress has multiplied, so have the opportunities. We have multiplied opportunities to develop leaders, re-establish prayer personally and corporately, disciple newer believers, establish new systems, eliminate outdated programs, speak of the Prince of Peace in a society riddled with anxiety and anger, and so much more. We have the opportunity to multiply in a variety of avenues. Extracted from these conversations are 4-Secrets of a Multiplying Church…

1. Engage with the Mission: While many of our church gatherings were closed and in-person meetings halted, we all felt the burden to proclaim the gospel. The command to “Go” and “preach” (preach as your go) is imperative for the Church. What this pandemic brought to light was that we were comfortable organizing services and administrating programs, but we had to re-learn how to re-engage the mission of Christ in non-programmatic avenues.

2. Encourage His Gifts: Through the Spirit, the Body of Christ has been given a variety of gifts to build itself up and reach the lost. Baptizing them into the Body of Christ not only involved the baptism UNTO repentance, but it was also the inclusion INTO the Body. There is a Baptism in water and there is a Baptism with the Holy Spirit. What is often referred to as the office gifts (Ephesians 4) are given by God to release these gifts in His Body. As spiritual leaders we are called to encourage these gifts in the people we have the privilege to lead.

3. Embrace His Teaching: Discipleship is more than a transfer of information, it is an impartation of new values. “Teaching them to obey” becomes a necessity because of our tendency to disobey. Embracing the teaching of Christ moves past the level of mental ascent to the depth of personal conviction. To be a disciple of Jesus is to be both a learner and a follower.

4. Encounter His Presence: We have become keenly aware that experiencing the presence of the Almighty is a high value for our churches and an intense need for our people. What a beautiful promised Jesus provides as He says, “…surely I am with you…”. In essence, this is what the Apostle Paul is explaining in Galatians 5 as he instructs us to “keep in step with the Holy Spirit.” Encountering the presence of Jesus must both involve experiencing Him in our church setting, and then experiencing Him at home or in our car. In my observation, there is a desperate need in the church of America for a fresh encounter with the Living God.

If there is something to learn from this world pandemic it is that circumstances change, but Christ’s mission remains and must be fulfilled. During this season of life and ministry, the words of Jesus have echoed in my soul, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying!” My prayer… LORD, GIVE ME EARS TO HEAR!

What has the Lord been speaking to your soul during the pandemic? How has this season clarified your calling and your church’s mission?


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